

"Eastern time" has disappeared from Memorial Hall.

The second Harvard assembly occurs tonight.

The Alumni of St. Paul's School will have a reunion tonight in New York.

The Glee Club will sing in Fitehburg on the evening of the 16th.

Mr. H. M. Williams, '85, has been elected an editor of the HERALDCRIMSON.


There is an article in the Nineteenth Century on "Recreation," by Sir James Paget, an eminent London physician.

Make-up examination for entrance condition in English composition today at 4 P. M. in U. E. R.

The Institute of Technology is to have an athletic association, with a shingle and seal similar to that of our own.

Orchestral concert by the Boston Symphony Orchestra this evening, at 7.45, in Sanders Theatre.

The third Junior theme will be returned with criticisms in Sever 5, today from 2 until 5.

At the annual election of the Schuylkill Navy, the following officers were elected: Commodore Edward S. Miles, of the University Club; secretary, Frederick F. Hallowel, of the college club.

On Wednesday the president and treasurer presented their annual reports to the overseers. They are now in press and will soon be given to the public.

Dr. Alired Edmund Brehm, a zoologist of wide celebrity and at present Director of the Berlin Aquarium, will arrive in Philadelphia next week, and will deliver during the month a series of lectures there.

Matthew Arnold lectures once a year at the Cambridge University, England, and by so doing holds his professorship in the university.

The college paper of Colby University complains that their only fire apparatus consists of "water pitchers and a few pails."

The Yale Glee Club want $1,200 from the Ohio and Mississppi R.R. for losses caused by delay and the necessity of breaking engagements at Cincinnati and Louisville.

At the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Rifle Association, Tuesday, J. A. Frye, '86, was elected a member of the board of directors.

Mr. L. M. Rutherford has given some very valuable astronomical instruments to the observatory of Columbia College. They are said to be worth $12,000.

The Principal of the University of St. Andrews, the Rectorship of which institution has been declined by Mr. Lowell, the American minister to England, has written a letter to Mr. Lowell requesting him to deliver an address to the students of the University. Mr. Lowell has accepted the invitation.

We give in the following, the number of freshmen in the different colleges, as far as we are able to ascertain from our exchanges: Harvard. 300; Yale, 257; Ann Arbor, 191; Cornell, 140; Alleghany, 156; Princeton, 150; Lehigh, 122; Syracuse, 100; Dartmouth. 99; Haverford, 56; Union, 50; Bates, 40; Rochester, 38; Colby, 34; Bowdoin, 33; Asbury University, 98; Columbia, 95; Williams, 86; Lafayette, 82; Hamilton, 75; University of Chicago, 70: Amherst, 62; Brown, 60; Wesleyan, 59; Rutgers, 27; Tufts, 26; University of Vermont, 23; Madison, 23; Middlebury, 16; Maritta, 16. [Syracuse Herald.

The second Junior Forensic will be due on Thursday, Jan. 10, from 2 to 3.30 P. M., in Sever 3. Subjects: 1. Is it advisable, on economic grounds, to foster the greatest possible immigration of foreigners? 2. Would it be advisable for the United States government to own and control all telegraphic lines? 3. Did any good ever come from forcing a man to act contrary to his convictions? 4. Has the constitution of the earth's atmosphere been subjected to considerable changes since the beginning of organic matter? 5. Compare George Eliot with George Sand.
