

The clock at Memorial is missed.

The foot-ball team play the Wesleyan eleven a week from tomorrow.

The boy choir will be a very pleasant feature of the chapel service.

Chapel seats will be assigned to the junior class after the service today.

W. G. Chase, '82, is now employed on the staff of the Boston Globe.


M. H. Cushing, '83, is on the editorial staff of the Cambridge Tribune.

The Advocate and Crimson are now printed at Wheeler's.

Mr. Wendell will meet the junior class in Sever 11 on Tuesday, Oct. 2, at 2 P. M.

A special examination will be held at 11 A. M. today in room 1, Museum of Zoology (new part) for men who wish to enter N. H. 8.

Mr. Mabery has taken charge of the chemical department of a college at Cleveland.

Mr. C. J. Hubbard, '83, has been appointed President Eliot's secretary.

Jennison and Getchell, of last year's graduating class, are instructors at Exeter this year.

Rev. Edward Everett Hale is conducting the chapel exercises at present.

W. C. Lane of the College Library will edit the University Catalogue this year.

In all probability this year's freshman class will exceed 280. Already 260 have passed their admission examination.
