

Greenough Thayer of the junior class was drowned during the summer at Ogunquit Beach while attempting to rescue some ladies who were in bathing. Mr. Thayer and six others, four of whom were ladies, were in the water together. A high sea was running and the water came in large waves which made the bathing very exciting. Before the party noticed the force of the water, the tide had gradually swept the party into a pit of recent formation near the mouth of the river. At 11. 30 the tide ceased, causing a strong under-two. Without realizing the danger, the party who were in high spirits, pushed towards the deeper water. One of the gentlemen and two of the ladies were at once washed into shoal water in an exhausted condition, while the other young ladies finding themselves in great danger called for help. Mr. Thayer and his companion rushed to their assistance but the under-tow was too much for them and all four were swept under, being drowned, of course instantly.


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