

The class day committee ask careful attention to the following rules for the distribution of class day tickets:

Tickets will be sold at 1 Hollis on Friday, June 15th, between 9 A. M. and 12 M., and on Saturday, June 16th, between the same hours. Packages (16 yard, 10 Memorial, 7 tree and 4 Sanders tickets) to be selected by lot will be sold to members of the senior class at $11.00 per package.

Seniors in the Scientific School and past members of the class now in college must apply at the same time as the regular seniors.

Members of the graduating classes of the Law and Medical Schools and candidates for higher degrees will be allowed 6 yard and 3 Memorial tickets on payment of $3.00.

Past members of the class not now in college. must apply for tickets in person or by written order on or before June 16th.


Money in all cases must be paid on receipt of tickets, and applications must be made in person or by written order at times above specified.

Tickets not sold at these times will be sold by the committee to members of the senior class on a day to be hereafter appointed. Provision will be made later for undergraduates and employes of the college.

In placing a book at Bartlett's for the signatures of those desiring fewer tickets than are contained in a package, the committee hoped to relieve all of the necessity of buying more tickets than they could use. From the fact that there were but four signatures placed in this book, it must be inferred that all other members of the class desire full packages of tickets. If, however, any one discover after the sale that he has taken more tickets than he needs, the committee trust that in disposing of them he will either limit himself to members of the class or return them to the committee to be repurchased by them.

The evils of speculation have been so often discussed as to need no further comment from us. It is for the interest not only of the graduating class, but also of the undergraduates, who will in their turn profit by the successful establishment of a good precedent, to make 83's class day as perfect as possible. We rely, therefore, on their hearty co-operation in our efforts to restrict tickets to seniors and their friends.

