Two hundred thousand slaves will become free in Cuba in 1888.
More important evidence has been discovered against the London dynamite conspirators.
The Congregational Home Mission Society at its meeting at Saratoga yesterday raised $100,000 for mission work in the West and South.
The non-commissioned officers and crew of the Arctic steamer Jeannette have been honorably discharged from that special service, and each one given a medal of honor.
Mr. Wm. N. Thomas of Maine has been appointed minister resident to Sweden and Norway, and Henry White of Maryland United States secretary of legation to Vienna.
Base-ball games yesterday.-At New York, New Yorks, 16; Chicagos, 8. At New Haven, Buffalos, 13; Yale, 12. At Brunswick, Me., Bowdoin, 10; Bates, 0. At Hanover, N. H., Williams 4; Dartmouth, 2.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., June 8, 1883, 1 A. M. For New England, generally fair weather, preceded on the coast by local rains in the morning, southerly to westerly winds, slight rise in temperature, stationary or slight rise in barometer.
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