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EDITORS HARVARD HERALD: At this time of year when the heat is so overpowering and the work for examinations so wearing, college men naturally grow fastidious in their diet. It seems reasonable that the steward of Memorial should, therefore, try to cater in some degree to the changed tastes of his boarders and should provide a different menu in some respects. But we find the same old bill of fare that we have had all winter still continued, with its heavy meats and solid desserts. Some change ought certainly to be made. Many men would willingly dispense with certain articles of fare if these were replaced by delicacies or relishes more peculiar to the season. For instance, if instead of the hot soup, the interminable boiled cod and two kinds of heavy, greasy meats, there were substituted partly some lighter confections and gastronomic concoctions that would tempt the palled appetites of the languid habitues of Memorial, a general tender of thanks would be unanimously offered. And, too, in regard to dessert, we are now having the same old "stuff" that nobody has eaten for ten years. Why can't we have strawberries oftener, for instance? They are cheap, very cheap, but Memorial has not yet had them on the regular bill of fare. And for lunch, too, we still have hash and beans and archaeological pies, with "weggy-table" soup, instead of some palatable little dishes that will revive the exhausted man after a stiff three-hour annual.

It will probably be objected, as usual, that these things cost too much, and that we can't expect to get a four dollar a day board for $4.50 a week. But what we want more that anything else is a change, and this can easily be afforded us without any undue expenditure. It is really remarkable the way in which Memorial seems to be bound to a certain bill of fare that inevitably swings around into the same old notch with each recurring week. The steward and his cooks do not seem to realize the unlimited capacities of their situations or to be aware that innumerable cook books can offer them scores of dishes that are equally inexpensive with the present bill of fare, and are, besides, far more palatable.

