Amherst vs. Brown today at Providence.
This is the last day for obtaining checks at Memorial.
The university and freshman crews both rowed on time yesterday.
The University will leave for New London on the 16th of this month.
Important chorus rehearsal of the H. P. C. at the old rooms this afternoon at 4.30.
The university and senior crews will be photographed in their boats at the boat house this afternoon.
The class races at Yale Wednesday were won by the freshmen. Time 12 min. 35 sec.-straightaway course of two miles.
A make-up examination in Trigonometry will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, in the University examination room.
Amherst, Brown, Harvard, Trinity and Yale are represented at the intercollegiate tennis tournament now in progress at Hartford.
There are four universities in Switzerland-at Basle, Berne, Geneva and Zurich-at which there are 543 medical students, of whom 51 are women.-[Ex.
'86 was represented at the spring meeting of the Walnut Hill Ride Association yesterday by one of its members, who made 99 out of a possible 105, at the 200 yards range.
At the meeting of the directors of Memorial Hall yesterday it was voted to place six stationary wash stands with towels, etc., for the use of the students, in the basement of Memorial.
College papers are not generally liked by college faculties; a situation which does not seem to give the papers deep concern. In college, as but of it, it is a safe plan not to put yourself in opposition to the papers.-[Progress.
The university nine defeated the freshman nine yesterday afternoon by a score of 5 to 2. Nichols and Hamlin, '84, were the battery for the freshman and Winslow and Crocker for the university. Allen played right field for the university.
A crew organized from those members of the class of '82 of Phillips Exeter who are now in the freshman class, will issue a challenge to row a race of one mile on the 21st of June at Exeter, with any crew composed of alumni of that institution.
Wellesley College has a beautiful room named in honor of Mrs. Browning, and containing Story's bust of the poet and the manuscript of her poem, "Little Mattie." This manuscript was the gift of Robert Browning.-[Ex.
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