

We have once before regaled our readers with some choice specimens of Western college journalism. We cannot resist the temptation to again hold up the scintillations of one of these bright children of genius. The following "personals" appear in a late number of the College Transcript, Ohio, Wesleyan University:

Bob Miller's moustache retains its faded color. We wonder that he does not try shoe blacking or shoe polish, and thus give a dark shade to his upper lip.

Eight minutes are allowed in which to win smiles, bouquets and undying glory. When your little song is ended you will be tenderly tipped off the boards into the arms of "pa" and "ma" and thence out upon the "arenar" into the arms of - .

Somebody wonders why seniors are always so worried and pale and care-worn during the spring term. We would not hazard our reputation on the answer, but the Patsies and Susies of the Sem might give some reliable information on this point.

Notwithstanding we have several lantern-jawed seniors, no member of '83, in having his pictures made, has emulated the example of 82's most striking case of attentuatedness. When this physically thin individual sat for negatives, he stuffed his cheeks with cotton, in order to give himself a fictitious appearance of a homo vivus and to remove the suspicion that his photograph was the picture of a skeleton clad in senior clothes.


Our exchange man while bowing and smiling to some particular lady friends as he was leaving a recitation room, ran a door into his nose, much to the damage of this physiognomical feature.
