

Tutoring in Freshman Mathematics - maximum or minimum - and Mathematics 2. V. C. Anderson, 35 Grays.

Found, after the ball game yesterday, an overcoat and umbrella. Owners please write to 21 H'y.

Highest cash price paid for cast-off clothing and furniture. Drop me a postal card and I will call at your room.

436 Harvard street.An umbrella was found in Mass. 3 after the examination in Analytical Geometry, June 19. The owner may obtain it by calling at 25 Quincy street.

Wanted - An able bodied young man who understands plain cooking, to do general work on a yacht. Terms, $30 a month and board. Apply at 33 Grays.


Three large club tables can be accommodated at Miss E. M. Cotter's, No. 10 Oxford street, for the next college year. Also a few good rooms to be let. This house will remain open during the vacation.

House No. 16 Oxford street will be open through the vacation. Students and others can be accommodated with rooms and board at reasonable prices. Transient board for those attending class day and commencement.

NOTICE TO SENIORS. - Furniture, pictures and other effects packed ready for shipment with the greatest of care, having had many years experience. A. Morgan, picture frames, etc., 906 Main street, near Beck Hall, Cambridge.

N. B. - Pictures and glass packed at my store.
