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EDITORS HARVARD HERALD : Class after class graduates and leaves us, but there is one class of men who seem to stay with us in the most single-hearted fashion, who have made Harvard their permanent camping ground. Their numbers and influence increase year by year; they are a bane and a nuisance, and should be stamped out from the face of the globe. We refer to those wretched beings called "croakers." We are all familiar with and heartily sick of the man who said last fall that we were sure to be beaten by Princeton; who said this spring that we had no chance for the Mott Haven cup; that the freshman nine was doomed; that Columbia would leave us by many lengths, etc., etc. Naturally men of this stamp sometimes prophesy correctly, and then the chorus of "I told you sos" with which they greet us is nauseating to the last degree. When they make a mistake, instead of preserving a discreet silence, they croak about the next event in which the college is interested.

If these men appreciated how fatal to Harvard athletics their miserable croaking is, they might try to get up a little enthu iasm and take a more sympathetic interest in the men who work so hard and so faithfully to gain victories for Harvard. Any man on the crew or nine will bear witness that croaking has brought the college many defeats and no victories. Men cannot be expected to play ball or row with any spirit when they have to look forward to slight praise if they win, and to unsparing and often ignorant criticism in case of defeat. We hope that the college in future will so frown upon this malicious spirit of croaking that the busy band of croakers will finally die out for want of patient listeners.

J. L. B.
