The first triennial dinner of the class of '83 will take place at Young's Hotel, Boston, Monday, June 25, at 7.30 P. M. The dinner is paid for, as all triennial dinners are, from the class fund. The book for signatures will be at Bartlett's until Saturday night, by which time all who intend to be present must have signed. It will not be necessary to wear dress suits at any of the class dinners. Song books have been printed for the use of the class at their triennial dinners. Those who wish to carry away copies can get them at cost of the committee at the dinner. It is especially requested that all copies not so purchased be left on the table. The class committee, in behalf of the class, heartily welcome any who have not felt able to subscribe to the class funds. Those who feel able to give, however little, are reminded that the success of enterprises of the class is dependent on the interest of its members. Mr. Grandgent has kindly consented to act as toastmaster, and Mr. Dorr as chorister.
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Crews at New London.