

Church certificates are due this week.

The term-bills were distributed yesterday.

Harvard '87 promises to be even larger than '86.

The class day exercises at Tufts College took place yesterday.

The last examination in the Law School takes place today.


Ropes to suspend lanterns from on class day have been arranged in the yard.

Yard tickets were distributed to the freshmen in the Analytic examination yesterday.

The new Harvard Veterinary Hospital building on Village street, Boston, is completed.

A member of the class of '84 at Williams has made a record of 378 feet in throwing the base ball.

At the Caledonian games at Princeton College on Saturday last, Fell, '84, won the 100 yards dash in 10 1-5 sec.

The centennial exercises of Phillips Exeter take place tomorrow. A large number of students will go from here.

Contributions to the amount of $30,820 have been recently made for the further endowment of Phillips Exeter Academy.

The paper set the minimum section in Freshman Physics is said to have been the hardest one that has ever been given in that department.

Mr. F. R, Burton, '82, will direct and take part in the performance of "King Uphli's Bride" at the Windsor Theatre Wednesday evening.

Rehearsal of class song today at half-past one and at quarter-past seven. As many fellows do not come "because they can't sing" the chorister wishes to request them not to stay away on that account, for rough voices increase the volume of tone without sensibly marring its quality. Let all come and sing today and tomorrow and the class song will go off well.
