Caffrey, one of the Phoenix Park assassins, will be hanged today.
A verdict of acquittal was rendered in the New Orleans election frauds yesterday.
No news has yet been received from General Crook, but the Mexicans feel confident that no disaster has occurred to him.
At a meeting of the Prussian ministry on Thursday it was decided to regulate all church matters hereafter independent of the Pope.
There is much rejoicing at Pittsburg, Pa., over the amicable adjustment of the iron-worker's troubles. All the mills will resume operations on Monday next.
The national conference of free-traders at Detroit yesterday adopted a plan of organization and issued an address to the people, setting forth the free trade principles.
At a meeting of the Brooklyn bridge officials yesterday it was decided to increase the police force, and make other changes deemed necessary for the safety of its patrons.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., June 2, 1883, 1 A.M. For New England, fair weather, variable winds, shifting to easterly, stationary or lower temperature and pressure.
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