

The University nine was photographed yesterday.

Cut in Freshman Minimum Greek yesterday.

The annual athletic meeting of Trinity College occurs today.

Cornell's new physical laboratory, military hall and gymnasium will be opened June 20th.

There will be a meeting of the Medical Faculty at 7.30 this evening at 18 Arlington street, Boston.


Hubbard, the Yale catcher, made his first error of the season in the game with Princeton, Wednesday.

A college secret society, the Delta Kappa, consisting only of women, has been organized at Albion (Mich.) College.

The regular examination in Latin 3 takes place today, but the candidates for second year honors will not be examined until next Thursday.

The Yale News dislikes our criticism of the lacrosse game. We are sorry, but did not the News also object to our remarks about a certain foot-ball match last fall.

In the final sets of the Longwood tournament, yesterday, Clark finished the fourth set with Durgin, wining with the score of 6-4. The entire score between Clark and Durgin was, 6-4, 6-5, 5-7, 6-4.

Every senior who expects to receive honorable mention in any study or studies, is requested to leave, without delay, at the office, a written statement of the courses in which he believes he has earned this distinction.

The championship games of the National Association of Amateur Athletes will take place in New York today. The games will consist of runs at 100 and 220 yards, a quarter, a half, one mile and five miles, one three and seven mile walk, putting the shot, hammer throwing, hurdle race, pole leaping and bicycle races. Brooks of Yale is expected to contest in several of the shorter runs.

At Bowdoin College, the graduating exercises of the Medical School occurred Wednesday. The class numbers twenty-nine; of these, twenty-eight received diplomas. The closing address to the class was made by Charles F. Libby of Portland.

The announcement of a concert by the Pierian, to be given in honor of the Princeton nine, was sufficient to draw a large number of students in front of Matthews last evening. The programme consisted of a number of selections by the Pierian, interspersed with songs by the Glee Club, and the hearty applause which followed the rendition of each number was ample assurance of its appreciation by the audience.
