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We are pleased to announce that, unless some unforeseen hindrance arises, Gov. Butler will attend our commencement this year. Whatever may be the opinion in regard to the action of Harvard and the governor's answer, it will be remembered, as we have already stated, that Williams conferred the degree of LL. D. upon him when he had not become sufficiently prominent politically to warrant the idea that it was given for any other reason than for his eminence as a lawyer and his intellectual right to such a title. Indeed, we are proud to believe that the degrees of Williams have rarely been given except in recognition of merit, and that no venality or desire of currying favor with influential men can be attributed to our alma mater. Governor Butler has said that he regards with the "deepest sensibility" the honor shown him by this college, and it is but natural that he should show his feeling by accepting our invitation, and that we should be glad to receive him as an honored guest. We shall be pleased to welcome the governor of Massachusetts to our commencement exercises. - [Athenaeum.
