

Prof. Norton has sailed for Europe.

Yale vs. Princeton at Princeton today.

Meeting of the faculty today at University 5, 3.30 P. M.

Mr. C. J. Hubbard has the marks in History 12 for seniors.

Meeting of the scientific faculty tonight in University 5, 7.30 P. M.


The Williams nine defeated the Amhersts on Saturday by a score of 3 to 2.

The heliotype albums were received Saturday by the seniors. The work is very satisfactory.

There will be a full dress rehearsal at the Pi Eta rooms on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

The horrible rumor is about that the number of class day teas this year will exceed the spreads.

Yard tickets for class day were distributed to the sophomores yesterday at the Rhetoric examination.

There will be an examination in Classical Lectures, for the students excused from the April examination, today at 2.15 P. M. in Sever 29.

Rehearsal of the class song tonight at 7.15 in Boylston. Rehearsals Wednesday and Thursday are held at 1.30 and also at 7.15, so that men may have their choice of the time.

With Cbarles Francis Adams, Jr., for orator and Robert Grant White for poet, the Phi Beta Kappa programme at Harvard this year promises to lack nothing of solid merit or brilliancy, says the Gazette.

Officers of the Pierian Sodality for next year are: President, C. E. Hamlin, '84; vice-president and treasurer, M. L. Bradford, '85; secretary, C. C. Whitman, '86; conductor, T. M. Osborne, '84.

Dr. Francis M. Weld of New York received the highest vote which has ever yet been cast by mail for a candidate for overseer of Harvard College, and in it may be found a substantial proof of the hearty acquiescence of the alumni in the innovation of having non-resident alumni. - [Ex.

Tickets for the round trip to Providence to see the second championship game with Brown may be obtained at Bartlett's after 1 P. M. today. $1.00 for the round trip, not including admission to the game.

All who desire to have photographs of their rooms taken must have them taken today, as Pach Brothers' special operator returns to New York tonight. Arrangements may be made at the studio. The class orders will be ready for delivery tomorrow (Wednesday) noon at the studio.
