

EDITORS HARVARD HERALD: The executive committee of the H. U. B. C. wishes to extend its thanks, through your columns, to the Hasty Pudding Club and to the Pi Eta Society for the theatricals given by them for the benefit of the crew. The accounts with the Hasty Pudding Club are not yet settled, but it is believed that the boat club will receive a trifle over one thousand dollars from their theatricals. As the financial management of the Pi Eta theatricals was placed in the hands of the boat club, I deem it proper to make a statement of the money received and paid out. It is as follows:

By Horticultural Hall. $75.00

By Costumes, wigs, etc. 64.00

By Scenery. 40.00


By Tickets and programmes. 7.25

By Park House, for supper. 1.15

By Janitor. 1.00

By Ushers' bouquets. .50


Total. $188.90

To tickets. $278.00



Balance on hand. $89.10

From this balance bills to the amount of about seven dollars must be paid, so that the total amount received by the boat club will be a trifle over eighty dollars. Again thanking the two societies, which have so kindly contributed to the boat club, I remain

Yours very respectfully,

L. E. SEXTON, Treas. H. U. B. C.
