

Pay your crew subscriptions today without fail.

The class secretary is beginning to make his rounds in his search after class lives.

An adjourned meeting of the board of overseers of the college will be held Friday morning.

The Yale Yacht Club will sail to New London June 28 to witness the Yale-Harvard boat race.

The class day committee have decided to admit the freshmen to the tree exercises on class day.


Prof. Hill may be consulted concerning English 5 and 8 in Sever 1 on Tuesday, June 19, at 3 P. M.

Mr. M. J. Drennan, instructor in Rhetoric, has been appointed professor of Rhetoric at Vassar College.

The farewell dinner of the senior class will be held at Young's Hotel on the Monday before commencement.

The chapel music has been very satisfactory all this year. The solos in particular being much enjoyed.

There will be a make-up examination in freshman Algebra on Wednesday, June 20, at 10 A. M., in U. E. R.

A bust of Ralph Waldo Emerson has been recently placed in Memorial. That of General Bartlett is being moved to the other side of the hall.

The examination for those who missed the mid-year in Political Economy I. will take place on Saturday, June 16, in U. E. R., at 10 A. M. Books may be brought to Mr. Taussig, at 7 Weld, or to the examination room.

In a recent number of the North American Review Prof. Hall says : "Examinations should come in the cooler months, as is so common in Germany, and not in June, when, with many, physical relaxation is at its greatest. At our present examination season, or earlier, the nervous systems of even the animals we experiment upon in physiological laboratories have so much less vigor as to be unserviceable for certain scientific purposes. The winter is nature's season for indoor and bookish work, while June days bring languor, give a fresh attraction to out-of-doors that comports ill with the culmination of the mental efforts of a year."
