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More heartily endorsed than the foregoing lapses in the routine of commencement, and by the students themselves, is the abolishment of the custom on this anniversary of opening the dormitories in Holworthy, Hollis and Stoughton halls to the entertainment and refreshment of visiting graduates. The familiar class placards at the windows facing the quadrangle, as magnets for the often too susceptible returning prodigal, will no more be seen. It is claimed, and with a good deal of truth, that the frequent uproarious scenes in and about the yard on the afternoon and evening of commencement day are mostly attributable to over-indulgence in the alluring spreads that are provided. The graduating class is seldom represented in these boisterous gatherings, its members being kept too busy with their exercises in the theatre to allow of recreative feasting. The outgoing class will join the alumni at dinner this year for the first time in the history of the institution, giving its members in effect a year's advancement toward the dignified maturity so prized by the individual alumnus. - [Transcript.
