There was a $225,000 fire at Havre de Grace, Md., yesterday afternoon.
Saul C. Davis, a lawyer, attempted to kill Congressman-elect John E. Lamb at Terre Haute, Indiana, yesterday.
The statue in honor of General Sylvanus Thayer was unveiled at West Point yesterday afternoon with appropriate ceremonies.
Additional testimony was heard yesterday by the committee investigating the charges of malfeasance in the supervising architect's office. Several important facts were elicited.
Gen. Crook has recrossed the Mexican border into Arizona, and his command is encamped on Silver Creek, at the southern end of the Chiricahuas. He has lost no man during the campaign.
Base-ball games yesterday. - At Boston, Bostons, 7; Detroits, 4. At Philadelphia, Clevelands, 7; Philadelphias, 0. At New York, New Yorks, 11; Buffalos, 7. At Providence, Providence, 6; Chicagos, 2.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., June 12, 1883, 1 A. M. For New England, slightly warmer, fair weather, southerly to westerly winds, high barometer.
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