

Reading and copying. 15 Brattle square, room 3.

Tutoring in Freshman German. T. H. Root, 27 Grays.

Tutoring in Freshman Physics and Analytics. T. 48.

Tutoring in Political Economy I. H. Hubbard, 27 Hollis.

Found - Ferrier's Lectures on Greek Philosophy. 24 Grays.


Lost - AEschines library book. Finder please leave at Drury's.

Tutoring in History 10 and 12. P. M. Keating, 6 Stoughton.

Tutoring in N. H. 1, 2. 4. T. C. Bachelder, '83, 16 Hollis.

Tutoring in Political Economy I. E. L. Conant, 23 Holyoke.

Tutoring in Freshman Greek and Latin. A. L. Hall, '80, 7 Holyoke.

Tutoring in Political Economy I. and German. F. W. Kaan, 20 Stoughton.

Tutoring in History, Political Economy and Roman Law. Wm. C. Wait, 28 Holyoke street.

Tutoring in Freshman Mathematics - maximum or minimum - and Mathematics 2. V. C. Alderson, 35 Grays.

For tutoring in History 1 or 9, Political Economy 1, or Freshman Mathematics, apply by mail or in person to Robert Luce, 54 Weld.

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