A terrific cyclone prevailed west of McKinney, Texas, on Saturday night, destroying a vast amount of property.
A snow and hail storm visited Exeter, N. H., yesterday, accompanied by heavy winds, which did considerable damage.
Chester W. Chapin, ex-president of the Boston and Albany Railroad, died at his home in Springfield yesterday, aged 85 years.
The notorious Barber brothers were forcibly taken from the jail at Waverly, Iowa, Friday night, by a mob from Fayette and hanged. The leader of the mob has been arrested.
The remains of John Howard Payne, the author of "Home, Sweet Home," after thirty years' burial in Tunis, were finally interred in Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, on Saturday, with appropriate ceremonies.
Other games Saturday. - At Boston, Bostons, 30; Detroits, 8. At Providence, Chicagos, 11; Providence, 0. At Philadelphia, Clevelands, 15; Philadelphias, 1. At New York, Buffalos, 8; New Yorks, 7. At New Haven, Yale, 3; Beacons, 2.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., June 11, 1883, 1 A. M. For New England, increasing cloudiness, with rain, winds shifting to south and west, lower barometer, stationary or lower temperature.
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Postponed Harvard-Yale Game.