

Tutoring in N. H. 1, 2 and 4. W. H. Page, Hollis 16.

Tutoring in History 10 and 12. P. M. Keating, 6 Stoughton.

Tutoring in N. H. 1, 2. 4. T. C. Bachelder. '83, 16 Hollis.

Tutoring in N. H. 1 and 2. H. Webster, Wm. W. Nolan. 43 Holyoke.

Wanted - A good 52-inch bicycle. Must be ball-bearing. Apply at Weld 2.


Tutoring in Freshman Greek and Latin. A. L. Hall, '80, 7 Holyoke.

Found - A sum of money, which the owner can obtain by applying to 38 C. H.

Tutoring in History, Political Economy and Roman Law. Wm. C. Wait, 28 Holyoke street.

Tutoring in Freshman Chemistry, N. H. 2 and Phil. 2. Address Harrington, 12 Appian way.

A few copies of printed Notes in Chemistry I. can be obtained at half price ($2.00) at 3 Grays. These notes are valuable for those wishing a general knowledge of the subject as well as for a text book in course I.

Highest cash price paid for cast-off clothing and furniture. Drop me a postal card and I will call at your room.

436 Harvard street.
