

After a session of four hours' duration the board of overseers of Harvard College yesterday refused to concur with the corporation in conferring the degree of LL.D. upon His Excellency Governor Butler. The corporation recommended that the honor be voted, but by a yea and nay vote of 11 to 15, the board of overseers refused to concur. The members voted as follows:

Yeas - The president and treasurer of the university, Stephen Saulsbury, James E. Cabot, Alexander McKenzie, L. B. Russell, Francis E. Parker, Theodore Lyman, Morrill Wyman, Charles Francis Adams, Jr., Leverett Saltonstall.

Nays - Francis M. Weld, Solomon Lincoln, Charles R. Codman, Richard M. Hodges, John T. Morse, Amos A. Lawrence, Edwin P. Seaver, John Fiske, Henry Lee, John O. Sargent, Robert M. Morse, E.R. Hoar, Henry P. Kidder, William G. Russell, Moorfield Story.

Pairs - Robert D. Smith (Yes); James Freeman Clarke (No).
