A. Bronson Alcott was in about the same condition yesterday as during the last week.
Charges have been filed with Secretary Teller against Commissioner of Patents Marble.
Wm. A. Stearns was bound over to the Superior Court at Cridgeport, Ct., yesterday, charged with the murder of Aaron Nichols.
Base-ball games yesterday.-Bostons, 20; Philadelphias, 8. Clevelands, 5; Buffalos, 4. Providence, 14; New Yorks, 2. Detroits, 7; Chicagos, 0.
The long sought additional mail facilities between Boston and New York have been inangurated, the new Sunday afternoon 4.30 train and the 9 o'clock A. M. week-day trains from each city having commenced their trips Sunday and Monday.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., May 7, 1883, 1 A. M. For New England, local rains, followed by fair weather, slightly cooler, northwest to southwest winds, falling, followed by rising barometer.
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