

Division A.-Theme VI. will be returned to section 1 (Agassiz to Hatch) on Tuesday, May 8, as follows: Agassiz to Bryant, at 2 P. M.; Burch to Dooling, at 2.30; Davis to Frost, at 3; Frothingham to Goodspeed, at 3.30; Goodwin to Hatch, at 4.

Division B.-Theme VI. will be returned with criticisms to section 1 (Abbot to McDuffie), Tuesday, May 8, as follows: Sub-section 1, Abbot to Barnes, at 2 P. M.; sub-section 2, Bates to Bullard, at 2.30; sub-section 3, Burr to Denton, at 3; sub-section 4, Dooling to R. F. Howe, at 3.30; sub-section 5, Hudgens to McDuffie, at 4.

Those who have a conflict at any of these hours may come from 4.30 to 5.30.
