The law faculty meets tonight.
The college faculty meets this afternoon.
The freshman lacrosse team will play Andover, May 15th.
Mr. Winslow, '85, has returned to college, but will not be able to pitch for some time.
The nine will probably play a game with the Beacons on Wednesday. Game called at 4 o'clock.
The faculty have refused to permit the nine to play the postponed Brown game on Wednesday.
The candidates for the physical development prizes will not be examined until the middle of June.
Today is the last day for those who wish to retain their present courts to join the Tennis Association.
Fifty tennis courts have already been signed for, and two hundred men have already joined the association.
The marks of the upper classmen, who have failed on the previous examinations in Algebra, have been posted.
President Walker gives his second lecture on the question of the "Tenure of Land," in Sever 11 at 7.30 this evening.
The audiences that witness all the ball-games from the outside are a significant criticism on any "aesthetic considerations" that may be raised.
Visitors at the boat house yesterday afternoon were entertained by several short spurts between the seniors and freshmen, in which the former were easily the victors.
President Eliot in a recent lecture expresses the opinion that it would be a great improvement in the relation between minister and congregation, "if the minister were frankly allowed sometimes to comment upon a fresh book instead of preaching a sermon, sometimes to read other men's sermons instead of his own, and, in general, to direct his hearers to good reading, and bring them to know something of the minds and works of the leaders of the race, living and dead."
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