The Advocate is certainly right in the position it takes on Gov. Butler's degree. It is a matter of but little importance to the college whether the degree is or is not conferred, and interests the students much less than is generally supposed. We do not believe that the college can, with any show of reason, recede from its practice of past years. It will be understood everywhere that the honor is one conferred solely upon the office without the least regard for the individual. Whether the custom is ever a good one is entirely another question, which, however, should not be decided until the case in hand is disposed of. The possibility of Gov. Butler refusing the degree aeems to have entered into calculations of many who have discussed the question. We cannot but think that this would be the most fortunate termination of the difficulty possible. In that case, the college would have followed the established custom and at the same time no injury to the feelings of any person would have resulted. Such an action on the part of the governor would do a great deel to satisfy all parties.
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