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EDITORS HARVARD HERALD: Less than one month remains of the year and still the question as to whether the freshmen are to be admitted to the class day exercises around the tree is undecided. Whatever decision the committee of the seniors reach they should certainly lose no more time in making it known, or if they are still deliberating, the quicker they reach some result the better. The proposal that the freshman game with Yale should decide the question has met with such a sensible and evident opposition on all hands, that it ought not to have any effect in the final decision; the entire question rests on whether there will be room for all the classes around the tree. If, after considering this question, the class day committee think there will not be room, the freshmen will yield gracefully. The best and shortest way out of the difficulty appears to be for '86 to elect a committee to confer with the senior committee and thus reach a speedy settlement. The question could be fully discussed in a joint committee of the two classes, and whatever decision arrived at would be better understood and accepted by the freshmen.

E. D.


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