

Winslow, '85, has returned to college.

Groups: 1.45 P. M., University nine. Pach's studio.

Hartley has resumed his position on the freshman crew.

Perin, '83, rowed stroke on the University crew yesterday.

A party of Yale men arrived at Young's Hotel last night.


The opening cruise of the Yale Yacht Club took place Thursday.

Yale versus Harvard on Jarvis field this afternoon at 3 P. M.

The price of strawberries at Memorial has been reduced to ten cents a plate.

There will be no recitation in Freshman Maximum Greek I. next Monday.

Professor Cook will give an extra lecture in Freshman Chemistry today at 12 M.

It is said that the overseers contemplate conferring on President Arthur the degree of LL. D.

Mr. Eliot Norton is said to be ill in New York and unable to ride in the bicycle race this afternoon.

The eighth volume of "The American Statesman" series, Daniel Webster, by Henry Cabot Lodge, has just appeared.

A tennis association has been organized by the students rooming in Felton Hall. A series of games will shortly be played for a silver cup.

The following named men will compose the nine in the game today: Allen, p; Nichols, c.; Smith, 1b.; Coolidge, 2b.; Beaman, 3b.; Baker, s.s.; Le Moyne, 1.f.; Crocker, c.f.; Lovering r.f.

Dr. Laughlin will meet any students who wish information in regard to the course in Political Economy, on Monday from 3 to 4 P. M., in Harvard 6. This includes both students who have and who have not taken courses already.

At one of the concerts the Glee Club of Columbia College introduced a banjo duett, and now the Acta Columbiana desires that the college have a regular banjo club. That would do, but they should have jig dancers also. - [Progress.
