The race for the Derby stakes was won by St. Blaise.
The persons to be granted amnesty by the Czar on the occasion of his coronation, will include civilians exiled to Archangel and soldiers drafted to disciplinary companies.
Three Americans have been awarded medals at the Paris Salon-Pearce, Whistler and Dannat. The fortunate owner of Pearce's prize picture, "Perlude," is John A. Lowell of Boston.
Base-ball games yesterday.-At Chicago, Chicagos, 19; Bostons, 9. At Detroit, Detroits, 6; Providence, 4. At Cleveland, Clevelands, 8; Philadelphias, 6. At Princeton, Princetons, 6; Amhersts, 3.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., May 24, 1883, 1 A. M. For New England, clearing weather, mostly westerly winds, stationary or lower temperature, higher pressure.
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