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It is noticeable that while some of the best of the Yale and Princeton lacrosse players are well known foot-ball men, none of the Harvard eleven have played lacrosse this season. The practice which is had in lacrosse is extremely valuable for a foot-ball player, and it seems to us that if lacrosse were played only in the spring the two games might well be made to supplement each other. At present lacrosse is practiced both spring and fall, and although foot-ball has not yet suffered from any division of interest, it is not improbable that with the increased popularity of lacrosse this might be the case. Moreover, we believe that if lacrosse were played only in the spring the candidates for the team would come largely from the foot-ball men.

We commend this suggestion to the consideration of the lacrosse men, feeling that in this way their own interests would be advanced as well as those of the foot-ball team.
