The class day committee have decided in order to accommodate those members who will not want a full package of tickets, containing 4 Saunders, 7 tree, 10 Memorial and 16 yard tickets, to sell less than this number. For this purpose a book will be placed at Bartlett's on Thursday, May 24th, in which every senior who desires less than a package is requested to sign his name, and to state before June 1st the number of tickets of each kind he will require. The committee hope that by adopting this plan they will remove all necessity for the private sale of tickets to members of the class and so prevent all speculation in them. The price of tickets will be: Yard tickets, 25 cents; Memorial, 50 cents; Tree, 75 cents; Saunders, 75 cents. The price of a package of tickets will be $11.00. After the book is removed from Bartlett's no less than a package will be sold, so that we would urge upon all who intend to avail themselves of this privilege, to sign without fail before that time. The committee consider themselves at liberty to return to the old method of selling tickets, provided the success of the new be endangered by the apathy of those for whose benefit it is adopted. The time and place for the distribution of tickets, together with the rules which will be observed, will be duly announced.
F. W. MOULTON,Chairman Class Day Committee.
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