EDITORS HARVARD HERALD : The communication about the cricket team in last week's Crimson appears to warrant some notice. I do not know whether the gentleman wrote his epistle in earnest or in fun, but evidently he was not acquainted with the subject concerning which he was writing. The cricket team and base-ball nine are suffering from the same trouble, namely, the want of a professional trainer, and are about on a par with each other in regard to number of victories and defeats. This season they have played two matches against the acknowledged strongest club in New England, coming out creditably in both. The cricket team is not pestering the college for subscriptions, and its members are doing their utmost to make the team a success. To any observer fifteen or twenty are visible every afternoon faithfully practising, and although they do not ask for the sympathy of the college, they do ask for its impartial decision.
A. D.
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