

The following are the entries from Harvard for the inter-collegiate sports at the Polo Grounds next Saturday:

100 Yards Dash - A. S. Johnson, '85; W. Baker, '86, and W. A. Stebbins, '86.

220 Yards Dash - A. S. Johnson, '85; W. Baker, '86, and W. A. Stebbins, '86.

Quarter-Mile Run - W. H. Goodwin, Jr., '84; F. W. White, '85, and W. Baker, '86.

Half-Mile Run - W. H. Goodwin, Jr., '84, and W. R. Trask, '85.


Mile Run - G. B. Morison, '83. J. B. Walker, '84, and W. R. Trask, '85.

Mile Walk - S. Coolidge, '83, and C. A. Brown, '86.

Running High Jump - A. C. Denniston, '83; W. Soren, '83, and C. H. Atkinson, '85.

Running Broad Jump - W. Soren, '83.

Pole Vault - W. Soren, '83.

Two Mile Bicycle Race - E. Norton, '85, and M. Maverick, '85.

Hurdles - J. D. Bradley, '86.

Putting the Shot - C. H. Kip, '83, and L. A. Biddle, '84.

Throwing the Hammer - C. H. Kip, '83, and L. A. Biddle, '84.
