Yale vs. Harvard on Jarvis field Saturday.
The corrected copy of the Sixth Junior Theme is due today.
Mr. Taussig will probable practice law in Boston next year.
A bust of General Bartlett has been placed in Memorial Hall.
The cricket team play the Longwoods this afternoon at Longwood.
The Alpha Delta Phi dinner took place at Young's Hotel last night.
A good deal of interest is manifested in the closing sets of the tennis tournament.
The Courant wants the lacrosse games to be played in the fall rather than in the spring.
The question of General Butler's degree will be settled at the overseers' meeting tomorrow.
Warren, '84, and Taylor, '86, play the final sets in the tennis tournament on the tournament courts this morning at 11 o'clock.
President Walker of the Institute of Technology will continue his lectures on "Tenure of Land" in Sever 11, this evening at 7.30.
Dr. Sargent requests those seniors who took physical examinations in their freshman year to make appointments with him at once.
General Daniel Pratt appeared yesterday with a new and "classic" poem, in which the "dashing, crashing waves" sweep over the "omniscient heads of the mountains."
The American Archaeological Institute elected, Saturday, the following members of the executive committee for the ensuing year: Chas. Eliot Norton, president; Martin Brimmer, vice-president; Francis Parkman, W. W. Goodwin, H. W. Haynes, Alexander Agassiz, Stephen Salisbury, Jr.; Henry L. Higginson, treasurer; E. H. Greenleaf, secretary.
The Brown nine will play in Cambridge on Wednesday instead of our nine going to Providence, as the committee on athletics refused the necessary permission to play away from Cambridge on that day.
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