Work on the Washington monument will be resumed on Monday.
The Haytien insurgents have been condemned to immediate execution.
Governor Cleveland has signed the Niagara Park bill, which forthwith becomes a law.
George Bliss continued his argument in the star route case yesterday to a larger audience than usual. He expects to conclude today.
Sitting Bull and one hundred and fifty of his band leit Fort Randall last Saturday for Fort Yates, where they propose to engage in farming.
Base-ball games yesterday: At New York - New Yorks, 7; Bostons, 5. At Philadelphia - Providence, 5; Philadelphias, 4. At Cleveland - Clevelands, 7; Buffalos, 4. At Detroit - Chicagos, 7; Detroits, 4.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., May 2, 1883, 1 A. M. For New England, fair weather, followed in the south portion by local rains, southerly shifting to northeasterly winds, stationary or lower temperature and pressure.
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