New York Harvard Club meets today.
There will be no recitation in Greek 9 today.
Hartley has resumed rowing on the freshman crew.
The freshman crew began to use its shell again yesterday.
The Dartmouth will probably be run as a weekly next year.
Harvard furnishes the umpire in the freshman game with Yale today.
The Tennis Association has three hundred and forty-two members.
New cords are needed on the doors of Memorial so that they can swing easily.
Fifty-one men have signed to go to New Haven today. The fare is only $5.25.
The oral examination for honors in History will probably be held Saturday, June 16.
A number of students witnessed the parade of the Boston school regiment yesterday.
The photograph of the senior crew will be taken Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock at the boat house.
The '83 class group, announced in yesterday's HERALD for Friday, May 25, is postponed until Tuesday, May 29, at 1.30 P. M.
Prof. Cook requests all those who did not take the March examination in prescribed German, and who furnished a satisfactory excuse, to consult with him about a time for making it up.
The game of lacrosse between Columbia and Harvard, which was to have been played here today, has been forfeited by Columbia. By her action in forfeiting two games, the Yale game and this, Columbia has dropped out of the league, which now contains Princeton, Yale, New York University and Harvard.
The following named men compose the Columbia freshman crew: B. F. Morningstar (bow), F. U. Paris, E. F. De Witt, H. N. Tiemann, C. E. Beckwith, J. Lawrence, F. C. Hart, H. J. Doyle (stroke), W. B. Chamberlain (coxswain).
The freshman nine for the game today will be composed as follows: Smith, 1st base; Phillips (capt.), 2d; Kimball, 3d; Edgerly, s.s.; Bruner, r.f.; Collins, c.f.; Chamberlain, l.f. Allen and Nichols will form the battery.
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Make up Mid-Year Examinations.