

The annex has at last reached an elective pamphlet. From this we learn that the academic board consists of Profs. Byerly, Child, Goodale, Goodwin, Greenough, Peirce and Smith, together with Mr. Arthur Gilman and Mrs. Agassiz. The instructors number forty-three, and offer in all sixty-nine courses, covering Hebrew, Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Philosophy, Political Economy, History, Fine Arts, Music, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry and Natural History, with voluntary lectures on Physiology and Hygiene. The requirements for admission are substantially the same as those for admission to Harvard College, with the exception that French and German can be substituted for Greek.

"Any student at the end of her period of study is entitled to a certificate, stating the studies in which she has passed satisfactory examinations. Any one who has pursued such a course of study, and passed with distinction such examinations as are required for honors in Harvard College, shall receive a certificate to that effect. Any one who, having passed the regular examination for admission, has pursued with success a four years' course of study, such as would be accepted for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Harvard College, will be entitled to a certificate to that effect."
