

Princeton, 6; Harvard, 5.

Harvard lost the third game of the college championship series yesterday at Princeton, by a score of six to five. The misfortune that has so steadily attended her thus far this season remained faithful to her in this game, LeMoyne and Baker both receiving injuries - the former a turned ancle - necessitating their withdrawal, and A. Hamlin, '84, and Halbert, '85, were telegraphed for, and left for Princeton last evening by the Boston & Albany Railroad. Princeton played a very poor fielding game, making twelve errors, while Harvard made but three. Princeton also had three passed balls and one wild pitch, to one passed ball for Harvard. Harvard batted nearly as well as Princeton, making six hits with a total of eight, while Princeton made six hits with a total of nine. Harvard, therefore, kept up her reputation for good fielding, and made more hits than she has made in either of the other championship games. Although yesterday's defeat renders it next to impossible for Harvard to gain first place in the championship contest, still the chances of her defeating Yale are much better than before, on account of the improvement in the batting.
