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The concert by the Glee Club and Pierian, announced for Friday evening, promises to be one of more than ordinary interest. A programme of unusual novelty and merit has been prepared, and both organizations have spent a long time in rehearsing. The chief feature of the programme is a "Tragic Cantata," entitled "The Grasshopper," to be given by the Glee Club, accompanied by the Pierian. This cantata was recently given at the Grand Opera House in Baltimore with great success, but has never been heard in Boston. The Glee Club also have some new college songs, which they intend to sing for the first time at this concert. Besides these, several solos, vocal and instrumental, help to make up a specially fine programme. As the association of the Glee Club and Pierian is in need of money, college men will not only pass an enjoyable evening by attending the concert, but will, at the same time, aid materially our two musical societies. As an experiment, tickets for this concert have been reduced to $1.00 and 50 cents. So pecuniary considerations should keep none from attending. We hope to see Sanders well filled.
