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The following men will compose the Columbia crew for 1883: G. E. Fitzgerald, of Oswego County, N. Y., bow; D. Reckhart, of New York city, 2; W. A. Moore, of Binghamton, N. Y., 3; D. B. Porter, of Chicago, 4; W. Wheeler, of New York city, 5; A. H. Van Sinderen, of Brooklyn, 6; H. R. Muller, of New York city, 7; J. A. B. Cowles, of Rye, N. Y., stroke and captain. Walker, of the class of '84, is coxswain. The crew are the same as last year except in the case of Van Sinderen, who takes the place of Lynch. The positions are different in some instances from what they were last year. Then Reckhart was fifth instead of second, Porter was second instead of fourth, Wheeler was sixth instead of fifth, and Lynch, whose place Van Sinderen, sixth, takes, was fourth.


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