The college faculty meet this afternoon.
The tennis courts have been numbered.
There was a cut on freshman physics yesterday.
The University nine play Tufts today at College Hill.
Prof Peirce did not have his recitations in freshman analytics yesterday.
Mr. Hawes will hereafter mark the recitations of Fresman Minimum Greek.
The advanced sections in Freshman Latin have finished reciting to Mr. Preble.
The class games at Yale include "throwing the lacrosse ball" and "kicking the foot-ball."
The Harvard cricket team plays Columbia at the Polo Grounds, New York Thursday, May 24.
Several changes will be made in the cricket team before the game with the Longwoods tomorrow.
Photographs of all the actors in the recent Hasty Pudding Club theatricals have been taken by Notman.
There seems to be a general feeling of satisfaction throughout the college with the showing made by the nine at New Haven.
Very little enthusiasm was shown in the game on Saturday. Yale did not cheer once. Harvard received excellent treatment throughout.
New shells have been ordered from Waters both for the Columbia 'Varsity and freshmen. '86's shell is to be very similar to the shell used by '85 in its freshman race last year with Harvard.
The National Lawn Tennis Association of which Harvard is a member has decided to set aside the new American combination ball as unfit, and to return to the use of the Ayres ball for the rest of the season.
An editorial in the Boston Journal of Saturday commends highly the steady progress made by Harvard in the way of offering new courses of study, but criticises the lack of instruction offered in Modern History and Political Economy.
It is expected that one of the most interesting features of the coming tennis tournament at Longwood will be the contest in the doubles between Messrs. Dwight and Sears, '83, and Messrs. J. S. Clark, '83, of Harvard, and C. M. Clark of Philadelphia.
Professor Henry A. Beers, of Yale, the author of the recent parody on "Mr. Isaacs" in Life, has written a short college story, entitled "Split Zephyr," which is characterized as "an attenuated yarn spun by the fates." It will appear in the June Century.
Photograph groups - Wednesday, May 16, 1.30 P.M., Alpha Delta Phi, rear steps of library. Thursday, May 17, 1.30 P.M., St. Paul's Society, in front of Grays. Friday, May 18, 1.30 P.M., Natural History Society, steps of Boylston, 3.30 P.M., Pierian Sodality, back of Sanders Theatre.
The students of Boston University have been playing parts of the Electra of Sophocles, all the characters, including the chorus, wearing the ancient Greek costumes. The chorus music was written by a graduate of the college of music, and as young women took part a critic says that the performance was at least more natural than the representation of OEdipus at Harvard. - [Ex.
Of the new rules adopted by the Tennis Association the Gazette says : "Of course there are some who find fault with these rules, but the majority approve them. They seem to be well considered, and if the tennis players in college will do all in their power to assist the association in their laudable endeavors, a great improvement over the former state of affairs will certainly be shown."
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