Senator Anthony had another comfortable day yesterday.
Joseph Mullett was convicted at Dublin yesterday of complicity in an attempt on the life of a juror, and sentenced to penal servitude for life.
Additional evidence was adduced at London yesterday against the dynamite conspirators. The examination of the prisoners will be concluded today.
Mr. De B. Randolph Keim yesterday withdrew his appointment as chief-examiner of the civil-service commission, and Mr. Charles Lyman appointed in his place.
Base-ball games yesterday: At Cleveland, Clevelands, 5; Providence, 2. At Pittsburg, Baltimores, 4; Alleghanys, 3. At Philadelphia, Athletics, 2; Metropolitans, 1.
The Rev. A. T. Rose of Providence, R. I., says that he does not think charges will be preferred against the American Baptist Missionary Union, as has been stated would be done.
The counsel for the defence in the star route case having intimated that an arrangement had been entered into between Rerdell and the government counsel for challenging jurors beneficial to the prosecution, Mr. Blackman, who had been detailed from the post office department to assist government counsel, testified yesterday, that Rerdell did make such a proposition, but that it was rejected by the prosecution.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., May 11, 1883, 1 A. M. For New England, cloudy, rainy weather; warm, southerly, veering to colder, northwest winds, falling, followed by rising, barometer.