

Class races at 4 P. M.

Is '84 the dark horse after all?

There are no entries for the single scull race today.

The tug will leave the West Boston bridge at 3.15 this afternoon.

The Boylston prize speaking occurs this evening at 7.30 in Sanders Theatre.


The game with the Union Lacrosse Club yesterday was given up on account of the threatened rain.

The crews took their final pulls yesterday, taking a few racing starts, but rowing short distances.

The list of the unoccupied courts to be distributed by lot will probably be published in tomorrow's HERALD.

Tickets for the lacrosse game next Saturday can be obtained from the members of the team and of the officers of the association.

The third and fourth senior forensics will be returned today from 3 to 4 P. M. The marks for the year will be given out at the same time.

Two four-oared crews help to enliven the afternoon at the boat house; much rivalry exists between them, and it is difficult to tell which is ahead in form.

Judge Hoar will sail for Europe in June, and thus deprive himself of the pleasure of Gov. Butler's companionship at the Harvard alumni dinner. - [Gazette.

Mr. Melvil Oui, of Boston, has been appointed librarian of Columbia College. Columbia has heretofore had no librarian, though there are 55,000 volumes in the colleges libraries. Mr. Oui is a graduate of Amherst.

A race occurred yesterday afternoon between two sophomore four-oared crews over the last mile of the class-race course. The winning crew, which came in three-quarters of a length ahead, was composed of Mumford, Lawrence, French and Carroll. The time was good and the race exciting.

Commencement this year falls on Wednesday, June 27. Mr. Benjamin W. Crowninshield of the class of 1858, has been selected as chief marshal. Hon. Joseph H. Choate of New York, the senior vice-president of the Alumni Association, will preside at the dinner of the Alumni.

In order to change the ruinous law lately passed against playing professionals, says the Princeton correspondent of the N. Y. Post, it is further necessary for a repeal to pass the board of trustees only, as it has passed the faculty already. They stipulate, however, that the university nine may play but four nines of the league, and in Princeton only.

The Rhode Island Harvard Club dined at Narragansett Hotel Wednesday evening, Hon. C. B. Farnsworth in the chair, in the absence of President Brinley, of Newport. Pleasant addresses were made by President Eliot, President Robinson of Brown, Dr. Parsons, Rev. Dr. Stockbridge and Amos Perry, Esq. The company separated at a late hour. A poem was read from Rev. Dr. Charles T. Brooks of Newport.

GLEE CLUB. - Important rehearsal at 12 M. at club rooms. It is hoped that every member will be present.

CHARLES S. HAMLIN, Sec.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB. - There will be a meeting of the Harvard Bicycle Club on Friday night in No. 1 Holworthy, at 7 o'clock. All members are requested to be present.
