

The crews have been ordered to the Brookline bridge at 3.45 sharp, when the draw of the railroad bridge will be opened. The crews will be started from boats anchored and joined by a rope stretching across the river. After the boats have been properly aligned, a cautionary signal will be given by a long blast from the tug whistle; after an interval of one minute three short whistles will follow, signifying "Are you ready?" a pistol shot from the tug will be the signal to start, given immediately after the three whistles. Two whistles from the tug will recall the boats, if necessary, but no recall will be made after ten strokes have been rowed.

The tug will leave the West Boston bridge at 3.15. No one will be admitted without a ticket, except the officers of the course.

The crews will row in the following order, numbered from the wall: '83, No. 1; '85, No. 2; '84, No. 3; '86, No. 4.

The judges on the tug will be Curtis, '83; Bryant, '84; McCook, '85; Smith, '79.


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