EDITORS HARVARD HERALD: Will you kindly allow me a space in your columns to make a few remarks concerning class lives? The blanks which I am di-tributing are of such a formidable and discouraging size that men are deterred even from an attempt to fill them out. The following set of questions may therefore be of some assistance as a guide for what is required:
Year, month, day and place of birth.
Father's name, profession or business, and present residence. Mother's name before marriage, and of her parents. Date of marriage. Mention any interesting events in the lives of either parents: If dead, date, place and cause of death.
Pedigree on your father's side as far back as possible, mentioning ancestors in any way distinguished, and giving occupation and residence of as many as possible. Ancestral line of your mother's family in briefer form. What ancestors or relatives have graduated at Harvard, and when?
Various places of residence before coming to college, with the dates. Schools and academies you have attended, with the dates and principals' names. When and where did you begin to fit for college? Had you been engaged in any occupation other than studying?
What first led you to think of going to college? Mention the time and age of entering. Mention any difficulties you encountered in getting your education. Were you absent during your college course? Why? Where?
Were you an editor of any of the college papers? State what prizes or honors you obtained, if any. Of what college societies were you a member? Mention any offices you held in these societies; also any class or college appointments. State any positions you held in either the freshman or University crew, nine or eleven. Name any prizes in athletic contests which you have received. With whom did you room? In what studies were you especially interested?
The above questions are intended of course, only as a general guide; any other information of interest will be accepted. Every man is earnestly urged to make some reply to these questions, even though not fully, bearing in mind that that the value of the result will be out of all proportion to the labor expended. Men whom I have been unable to see can get their blanks by applying to the janitor of their building, or at my own room.
FREDERICK NICHOLS.Secretary of '83.
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