Founder's Day at Vassar will be May 4.
There will be no recitation today in Greek 3.
Ground has been broken for the Physical Laboratory.
The Glee Club will be photographed at Pach's studio at 12 today.
The April number of the University Bulletin will appear next week.
Sawyer, '83, stroked the university crew yesterday. Mr. Cabot, '83, rowed No. 4.
The medical faculty meets this evening at 7.30 at No. 18 Arlington street, Boston.
Mr. Bartlett, '82, is temporarily filling the place of Mr. Curtis at stroke on the university crew.
Lunch will be served at Memorial this morning at 11 o'clock for those who wish to go on the N. H. 4 excursion.
The officers of the O. K. from '84 are W. W. Mumford, president; J. J. Chapman, secretary; A. M. Butler, treasurer.
The excursion of the section in N. H. IV. today will be to the Blue Hills of Milton. Train leaves the Providence station for Readville at 12 o'clock.
The votes for the director of the Dining Association from the Lawrence Scientific School were as follows: C. C. Selden, 2; R. Hayward, 1; A. E. Lawrence, 1. Mr. Selden was therefore elected.
There is a noticeable improvement in the rowing of the sophomore crew; they row in much better form than last week, and with a more vigorous and steady catch. They are rapidly becoming the favorites for the race.
The game with the Beacons today will be called at 3 P. M. The following men will compose the nine: Nichols, '86, p.; Allen, c.; Smith, 1b.; Lovering, 2b.; Beaman, 3b.; Baker, s. s.; Le Moyne, l. f.; White, c. f.; Keep, r. f.
Preliminary trials in Boylston prize speaking take place this morning at nine o'clock in Sanders.
The freshmen play the Hub nine at Brookline this afternoon. The following will probably be the nine: Chamberlain, p.; Kimball, c.; Collins, 1b.; Phillips, 2b.; Bryant, 3b.; Edgerly, s. s.; Burnett, l. f.; Magill. c. f.; Bruner, r. f.
The Harvard chapter of Delta Upsilon has its annual dinner at the Parker House next Monday evening. A. L. Hodges, '83, is toastmaster; poem to be read by A. M. Lord, '83; chorister, A. G. Webster, '85; oration, J. B. Wilson, '84.
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Harvard Union Debate.