The entertainment given last evening by the Pi Eta Society was excellent in every respect. Mr. Belshaw, who played the title role in both comedy and farce, was inimitable, and showed a wonderful diversity of talent in portraying first the good-natured but vain-glorious Papa Perrichon, and then the rollicking Irish boy, who manages to get into mischief every minute, and to get out again immediately after, by use of his mother-wit. Messrs. Lord and Jack played the parts of the two rival suitors with excellent taste. The female roles were taken by Messrs. Fox and Cushing, the former in tone and action portraying faithfully the French matron, while the latter took the part of the young lady. In the farce Mr. Cushing's rendering, in falsetto voice, of "Where Art Thou Now, My Beloved?" was a taking feature of the evening. Mr. Belshaw also brought down the house with his comic songs. The following was the cast:
Papa Perrichon Mr. C. M. Belshaw
Prosper Savounard Mr. Wm. T. Lord
Armand Desroches Mr. E. S. Jack
Colonel Bilboquet Mr. Wm. Barnes
Bousival Mr. C. E. L. Wingate
Cartouche Mr. G. H. Hellbron
Isadore Mr. E. W. S. Tingle
Inn Keeper Mr. G. P. Keith
Madame Perrichon Mr. J. W. Fox
Booalie Mr. M. H. Cushing
News Agent, Ticket Agent, Porter, Guide, Passengers.
The parts in the farce were taken by Messrs. Belshaw, Jack, Lord, Tingle and Cushing.
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The Prospect Union.