The marks in Freshman Classical Literature have been posted.
The law lectures in "Property, Wills, and Law of Persons" will be omitted this week.
Mr. H. C. Bierwirth will read his Bowdoin prize essay on "The Doctrine and Method of Socrates," in Sever 11, this evening at 7.30.
Professor F. G. Peabody traces "The Method of the Psychology of Religion," in an interesting paper, contributed to the Unitarian Review for May.
An election of officers of the Law School Reading Room Association will be held on Thursday and Friday of this week. The officers to be elected are president, treasurer, and two directors for each class except the third year.
It is said that Yale undergraduates subscribe more freely to class objects than Harvard. The Yale freshmen subscribed $1700 to the crew, to Harvard's $464. Query : Are the Yale students, as a whole, richer than the Harvard students? - [Advertiser.
Notice has been given in the Law School that all second and third year men who propose to become candidates for a degree must leave notice in writing to that effect with the librarian, designating the courses in which they intend to take the examinations.
Tickets for the Pi Eta theatricals may be obtained of L. E. Sexton, No. 1 Holyoke street, from 11 to 12 A.M. and from 3 to 5 P.M. They are also on sale at Oliver Ditson's, Washington street, Boston, and at Bartlett's drug store, Cambridge. The prices of the tickets are $1.50 and $1.00.
The next theme in English 5 is due May 4th. Subjects : 1. The Popularity of Dulness (in life and literature). 2. The Dude. 3. Thoughts in Homer and Thoughts in Shakespeare compared. 4. Matthew Arnold as a Critic. 5. Good Manners in Writing. 6. The Bigotry of Unbelief.
The sub-committee from the several classes which has been appointed to collect subscriptions for the new track is as follows : J. R. Coolidge and C. H. Kip, '83; W. M. Burr, '84; Eliot, Norton and W. R. Trask, '85; R. R. Belmont and G. L. Peabody, '86; J. P. Clark, Medical School, and R. T. Jackson, L. S. S.
SOPHOMORE THEMES.Division A. Theme V. will be returned with criticisms to section 1 (Abbot to Gardiner), Tuesday, April 24, as follows : Sub-section 1, Abbot to Batten, at 2 P.M.; sub-section 2, Bemis to Briggs, at 2.30; sub-section 3, Carnochan to Coxe, at 3; sub-section 4, Cowdin to Draper, at 3.30; sub-section 5, Dunham to Gardiner, at 4. Those who have a conflict at any of these hours may come from 4.30 to 5.30.
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